Moorish Owned & Operated

All Rights Reserved

1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]

Moorish American Prayer Allah, the Father of the Universe, The Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, Allah is my Protector, My Guide and my Salvation By Night and by Day. Through His Holy Prophet, Drew Ali. (Amen). Intent I am Izil Amerea-El. The purpose of this site is to exercise the mind by exploring concepts through the lens of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. - I.S.L.A.M.
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]
Moorish American Prayer Allah, the Father of the Universe, The Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, Allah is my Protector, My Guide and my Salvation By Night and by Day. Through His Holy Prophet, Drew Ali. (Amen). Intent I am Izil Amerea-El. The purpose of this site is to exercise the mind by exploring concepts through the lens of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. - I.S.L.A.M.
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]
Moorish American Prayer Allah, the Father of the Universe, The Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, Allah is my Protector, My Guide and my Salvation By Night and by Day. Through His Holy Prophet, Drew Ali. (Amen). Intent I am Izil Amerea-El. The purpose of this site is to exercise the mind by exploring concepts through the lens of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. - I.S.L.A.M.
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]
About Moorish American Prayer Allah, the Father of the Universe, The Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, Allah is my Protector, My Guide and my Salvation By Night and by Day. Through His Holy Prophet, Drew Ali. (Amen). Intent I am Izil Amerea-El. The purpose of this site is to exercise the mind by exploring concepts through the lens of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. - I.S.L.A.M.
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]
About Moorish American Prayer Allah, the Father of the Universe, The Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, Allah is my Protector, My Guide and my Salvation By Night and by Day. Through His Holy Prophet, Drew Ali. (Amen). Intent I am Izil Amerea-El. The purpose of this site is to exercise the mind by exploring concepts through the lens of love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. - I.S.L.A.M.
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]
Moorish Owned & Operated All Rights Reserved 1/13/1439 MC [1/13/2019 CCY]